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Sunday 10 November 2013

The most interesting incidence happened a day before yesterday.Mockingly I wrote that I am going to stay in the cottage of her girl friend Montse,who owns a small cottage at the beach near Barcelona.The reaction was sudden rebuke to her that close friend,whose naked photo with this women was sent by the later to me earlier.It was also reported that she took away all the properties of her ex-boyfriend even without marrying him.Her yet another friend Emma is on my list of contacts she had as real girl friend.
All other connections which she has had in Catalonia have been reported to be the worst kind anybody can imagine.
All this suggests that she is hiding her past with everything she has under her control.Foolishly it happens  so that more she hides,the more she discloses.Now that she is not responding to my long e mail sufficiently strong attracting a reply has gone unanswered.I am afraid that this might harm her as it may lead to depression.I am mighty worried.A strong dose of Peniciline also kills.I want to really help her.
As is expected,western women lay excessive importance to their body attraction and their potential to attract a male by this prowess.Her last note on my Facebook wall discloses this attitude amply.She said that she will not allow me to touch her shining skin,what to say about her shining soul!
I wonder,as to what shining remains in a 50 years old issueless lady with average features and colour.I also wonder what sexual attraction has still remained in a lady who has undergone 3 failed marriages and innumerable intimate love affairs.
I want to spread this message through this blog that trying to influence men by showing body even not fully naked or making suggestive poses are not very different than prostitution of milder kinds.A women can rise to the epic nights by her emotional qualities,her forbearance,her motherhood,sister like properties.She only falls in Love making power,how so attractive physically she may be.I can vouch for it with my own experience.In our adolescent age we used to laugh at our mental state after the end of sexual encounters,& used to say that if even the angel appears asking for a sexual favour,we shall not be interested or capable.The mindset before that used to be"if I just get her once,I shall sacrifice my life.
Such a simple mentality of males is not understood by this intelligent lady.May God give her sense!
Continued Page-5
Page-5:-I received a mail after a couple of weeks later.So the story doesn't end here.It is quite natural that even after the adversary has surrendered or has shown his unwillingness to continue fighting,the victor is just not satisfied with her total win.It can always seen as the criminal always returns to the site where he had committed the crime.A complete victory is never even achieved after the death of the enemy.A revengeful mind seeks something which not only finishes the one he hated,but also others also act in the same way he wants.
It is evident from this,therefore,that end of the fight doesn't actually ends hostility.One has to understand that if we start to find a solution through violence,we are creating reasons for more violence.We never get the solution,rather we drift farther from that.To much more widespread violence or a situation where  it will never ever end.
I appreciate Mahatma Gandhi for his this vision.He saw that we will never be independent Nation or people unless we achieve it through nonviolence.It looked impossible then.People had serious doubts in his way of thinking;but he was able to justify it and thus people started joining him and as he moved forward to his goal with determination,mass movement took place.The British colonisers realised it too late and ultimately they had to give up.
Mughal rulers,however,knew that if they had to stay in power,they will have to pursue it through communal harmony.LIKE 'AKBAR' DID.
But as soon as Aurangzeb came into power by shear violence and assassinating his three brothers and captivating his own father,the beginning of the end started.He was never allowed to rest without a battle or insurgency in some part or the other in his great inherited Empire.
The 1000 years rule ended with the dethroning of the last Mughal King Bahadur Shah Zaffar,who wrote in his last poem from Rangoon,the place where he was sent as a prisoner,that he could not get even two yards of land in his Empire he called home,at the time of death.
This lady who came to India in search of peace and divinity had to subjugate someone on whose shoulders she could ride to tour India.She was impressed with the simplicity and the way even the poorest of the poor could afford to laugh,was full of appreciation for the Indian culture.But having realised that one can win the heart of an Indian easily by showing love and Faithfulness,she can't conquer the heart.
The frustration of having the only choice to return back to the same native place which was like a hell,  became the flashpoint of her change of mind into a violent person.Her later mails were in testimony to her behaviour as has been narrated above with regard to violence.
 One can feel good in the company of great saints and monks,like HH Dalai Lama or Amma from Kerala,but a short abrasion with them would not last long.Indic Philosophy needs deep brooding and faith.It has evolved through thousands of years of deep introspection,studies and sacrifice.Western civilisation is on the other hand based on consumerism and indebtedness to the capital-to industrialisation and export of technology.They are used to a kind of life which is opposite to the Indian and Asian ways.
So when one is not finding the answers he likes to accept,he becomes antagonist.He starts looking into the negative face of that society.Everything which was so divine,turns into a pathetic living conditions.  The inhabitants are thought to be inferior and reasons of human rights violations are found in plenty.I say please come,join hands,start educating poor people,try to train them for a job which enables them to rise from that shit which you are condemning.Gandhi ordered his wife to cover the latrine of a white man,who had come as a press reporter.When she refused,there was a verbal fight.Gandhi pushed his wife out of the house in anger;but immediately realised his mistake and apologised to her.The wife in return willingly went to cover the shit the reporter had made.She said,:As a wife,my duty is to follow my husband.She remained in all the ups and downs of Gandhi's life.
This only signifies that fighting for women rights dent make the couple adversaries or in competition to each other.The marriage lasts only on compromises.Give and take,do the duties needed for proper& smooth running of the unit.They are the wheels of the vehicle which is the unit of a larger society.Most of the marriages last a life long continuity in Indic societies.No doubt,abrasions are bound to crop up,as the life proceeds,but the solution once again lies in the nonviolent response to the problem.
Unfortunately,the western world doesn't believe in this system and thus most of the marriages are failing.The ladies do get their due material share as alimony and grandiose of being free;but essentially it is just the opposite.They had to gratify so many male suiters before they get the one near their standards and by opting to separate,they are once more pushed into the same viscous circle.Is it freedom   or can we call it a solution?
Nature created two genders so that the specie survives.It has left almost nil chance that we are not able to produce our next generation.If some people prefer to like a live-in relationship or live in a commune, where nobody or everybody has the right to love & live like husband and wife;all the resources are pooled and distributed equally,this is like going back to a stage of animal kingdom & jungle law.This  way of society was also practiced in the Hippies era when I was studying in Germany.But it was failure and today none practice it.
We can not also ignore the climatic as well as terrain condition of the western world.One needs a minimum for survival;but for that minor adjustments in food habits and dwelling units are needed.That can never justify what they are doing nowadays.Men os erstwhile poor Nations have become wiser.The  control of economy is slipping from the west to the east.21st. century belongs to the east.Africa will also follow suite and would not let them repeat any economical exploitation of their natural/human resources.
West has to readjust their policies of war or technology.Of thinking that their technology will let them lead the world or the sophisticated robotic lethal weapons will make them conquers.We are passing through a period where on one side Oil monopoly and Muslim Fundamentalism is creating chaos all around and some BRICS countries including Israel are turning the table to their dismay.Divide & Rule   policy would not survive long.
With this,I hope,that my over 71 years of exposure to the Indic as well Western philosophy will have some takers now and I would be able o leave this world a better place to live for all creatures.I firmly believe in the saying in our scriptures"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam"means the whole earth is a family;and also "Oam Shatih,Shantih,Shantih"means that we pray to god before & after every worship,let there be peace"Tis is chanted three times at the end.Similarily all that is needed for our survival has been regarded as holy and thus preservations of the Environment was emphasised.We art mostly vegetarians.  But also believe that a sound body lives in a healthy body,so being non vegetarian like Alaska Bears or the huge Gorilla is also permitted.We as being on the top of food chain have certain responsibilities also

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