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Saturday 18 January 2014

Today I shall dwell upon subject of unfaithfulness and arrogance of ladies from the west.It is a historical fact that prior to the industrial revolution Europe was quite a difficult place to live in.This might have resulted in the tooth & nail fight to survive.Only during the summer and spring seasons any worthwhile agricultural activities was possible.Although the Roman empire did flourish and almost all the southern coast region were also well placed,they could also not bear the onslaught of Muslim colonisers.One of the biggest empire in the world was created with in a relatively short period.One can follow it through the history of middle ages and rise of Islam in Northern Africa also took place during the same period.
The coastal Europe had to find new avenue for riches and developed long distance saleable ships.They conducted long journeys and colonised far off lands like Latin America,Asia and also Australia.The slave trade to North America also flourished during these times.Newly aquired technology aided them in amassing  huge wealth.
All this lead the European culture to more materialism and a tendency of eat drink and be merry.The elite class suppressed the lower ones resulting in two bloody revolutions,the Boshvick and the French revolution.The nations also fought among themselves and apart from small battles,two World Wars also were fought.Millions of lives were lost and property damaged.
My subject starts here.Naturally the women could no longer be unaffected with all those upheaval and way of life.Materialism encouraged them to play a central role in many upheavals.They also used their charm and God gifted powers to the full.In absence of any social or political taboos,they got such freedom that they could achieve wonders.Cleopatra is not an exception.Some historians even go to the extent that both the world wars were triggered for females.The whole European history is bull of such ladies.
Islam on the other hand gave a legal sanction to polygamy and marriage inside the blood relations.So the proliferation was contained.The covering of entire body also made their female partners secured.They ,however,used sex as an weapon also.The circumcision and washing of men's genital part had also a significance and sexual implication.With no cover skin the genitals are easy to wash after each use of any kind.In water scarce Arab world,this was an essential hygiene requirement also.
Guarding ones women gave security and authenticity of the fatherhood,because only women could know,who the father is.During warring times the European soldiers were using chastity belts on their women partners to ensure this.
Virginity became central to these communities.It is for the reason of no previous history of a female which could later affect her allegiance to the husband and also make her confined to a single male.This is also observed in the Lions Pride.There is only one male in the entire group and when it can't defend the pride or himself,is killed or driven away in the uncured condition to die his natural death.The new male then kills the cubs of the out going father,so as to induce the females to bear his offsprings.
Human female minds are wired differently than men.They have much more mental and social capabilities than the former and they keep on exchanging the information between the sisters.They also know the methods to fool the males with their charm and convincing or at times aggressive stances. Although men are stronger and wired to fight and defend,they are hardly any match to their female counter parts.They are able to continue with the Patriarchic system of the family fortunes,it is the women who has the final say in matters of prime importance.They may seem to have been oppressed,but essentially it is only a ploy to keep their voice up.Communication wise also they are far better than the men who have only brutal masculine power at their command.Muscle can't win over wisdom.
In the ancient Indic culture things were a little different.Men elevated females to the status of goddess.But essentially the crux of the story remains almost the same.The difference is that mother attains a higher status in Indic society.The geographical situation of south east Asia made life much easier.There were unto 4 harvest within a year.Or at least two in most of the cases.Himalaya kept the cold winds confined to the north and this mountain also stopped the moisture laden clouds to rain in the planes.Abundance of rivers originating from Himalaya made the soil fertile and floods kept the ecological balance in control.But this region also had to pay heavily in the invasions of warriors from across the Himalaysa.Forcible conversion by swords and through rapes by the advancing ruthless armies like that of Cheghiz Khan,Afghans,Persians and Arabs have looted a lot of wealth of this peaceful region.It is said 99% of  all the Muslim population was as a result of such acts.Some historians go on to claim that every one person in 500 has genes of the army of Chenghiz Khan and his army.
Having lost the shine of their beauty,western womenfolk took to more prevokating clothes and gestures and they even became business tools for another immoral industry,called pornography and bikini culture.Skirts and pants were cut to the maximum and dance etc. used to become a seductive act.Display of legs,buttocks and boobs became fashionable.Being called sexy became a complement and free sex prevailed over virginity.Live in relationship has been a norm and having children a burden.  The make up,cosmetic surgery and other superficial beautifying procedures were used to conceal the age,much beyond the menopause stage.Different unnatural sexula perversions to attract male became the duty of an ambitious girl.The institution of marriage lost almost all of its limitations.Group sex,wife swap,excessive alcoholism and night life became the order of the day for affluent class.
It is said that in southern Europe like Sopain,Portugal,Italy and france,the day starts at 12:30 PM and ends at 06:30 AM on week ends for the working class and for the entire week for the rich ones.
As is normal,such life style is not sustainable over a long period.The after effect was soon felt across all the western world including USA.Monitory manipulations was failed and the entire region came under the grip of recession and unemployment.This effected other economies which were dependent on the west.But many like China & India also looked upwards,although with the burden of their own inherent weaknesses.
We are during the 21st. century living in a very fluxing period.There appears to be no simple solution.It is already realised that we can not do more harm to the environment and must take some corrective steps to arrest this down fall which is posing a threat to the very survival of the Planet earth.How soever  scientific advances we could make,this remains a fact that Earth is and will remain the only shelter for all living beings.
We must look into the history but also be very vigilant about the future,as nature has given us the last warning.

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